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Game Show Models (1977) – Full American Softcore Erotica


Watch Full American Softcore Erotica Game Show Models (1977)

Watch Full American Softcore Erotica Game Show Models (1977). Although conceived as an art film this movie was transformed into a softcore flick. A soft-porn drama about the ins and outs within the office of a sleazy, middle-sized, Hollywood PR firm. Disaffected dropout Stuart Guber (John Vickery) decides to rejoin the mainstream rat race. He does so by leaving his performance artist girlfriend Josey (Diane Thomas) and accepting a job in the PR department at a major record label. However, Stuart soon becomes disillusioned with the shady wheeling and dealing of the whole plastic Hollywood scene.

Game Show Models (1977) - Original Poster -
Watch American Softcore Erotica Game Show Models (1977). Classic Original Poster.
Game Show Models (1977) - Original Poster -
Watch American Softcore Erotica Game Show Models (1977). Original Poster.

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