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Swinging in the Rain (1997) – Retro American Porn Movie


Watch Retro American Porn Movie Swinging in the Rain (1997).

Watch Retro American Porn Movie Swinging in the Rain (1997). It is 1926 and the Horny Bothers have just released the first adult “talkie”. This talkie is entitled “The Jazz Swinger”. Now, in order to compete, Paramounds Dirty Pictures has sent a mandate down to their top director, Cecil B. DeBalls. His next sexual extravaganza must be all-singing, all-dancing, all-screwing. It will star the studio’s hottest sex team, Gina LaMont and Don Lockwood. It can’t miss! Or can it? No one at the studio knows how to make a “talkie”. And, worse, Gina may be good to look at, but she has a voice that is better suited for hailing cabs in New York city. Finally, in January 1998, this movie was up for 9 awards, including Best Sex Comedy, Best Screenplay and Best Director.

Swinging in the Rain (1997) - Original Poster -
Watch Retro American Porn Movie Swinging in the Rain (1997). Original Poster.

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