Watch Vintage Italian Porn Movie Amadeus Mozart (1995).
Watch Vintage Italian Porn Movie Amadeus Mozart (1995). Music soothes the savage beast but also seduces the most beautiful women. You’ve undoubtedly heard of the famous classical composer Mozart. It is a lesser-known fact as to why this talented gentleman was so good on the harpsichord. You see, more important than Mozart’s love for music was his lust for the opposite sex. Making music was simply his way of getting beautiful babes to make love to him as women were more into harpsichords than guitars. Similarly to Milos Forman’s Amadeus the story revolves around Mozart’s rival Salieri. The way he experiences and interacts with Mozart. In this movie, Mozart’s music arouses women sexually and he makes plenty of use of that. Finally, this oversexed prodigy was able to seduce the most beautiful women in Europe, including the Queen!