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Don Salvatore: The Last Sicilian (1995) – Vintage Italian Porn Movie


Watch Vintage Italian Porn Movie Don Salvatore: The Last Sicilian (1995).

Watch Vintage Italian Porn Movie Don Salvatore: The Last Sicilian (1995). Mobster Don Salvatore and his right hand man Spano are upto no good. Being Sicilian, Don has his share of ‘family ties,’ and is on the run from the law. Along with his confederate Spano, they indulge in crime and share lovemaking breaks with every gorgeous willing woman he can find. The two carry neat rifles when they aren’t shtupping every girl on the Island. Plot line has duo kidnapping the wealthy British husband of the local baroness after servicing said lady with a double-penetration. Ultimately Salvatore marries the lovely Giovanna and the wedding cues an orgy in which Valentino gets to shtup the baroness again. Finally, get a glimpse into the life of Don Salvatore: The Last Sicilian.

Don Salvatore: The Last Sicilian (1995) - Original Poster -
Watch Vintage Italian Porn Movie Don Salvatore: The Last Sicilian (1995). Original Poster.

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