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The Ribald Tales of Canterbury (1985) – Vintage American Porn Movie


Watch Vintage American Porn Movie The Ribald Tales of Canterbury (1985).

Watch Vintage American Porn Movie The Ribald Tales of Canterbury (1985). On their way to Canterbury, a group of noblemen and women play a game. This is a very cute film and if one comes to it with an open mind and heart one should be well rewarded. The movie is a well-made, lavishly produced adult film from writer-star Hypathia Lee and it was directed by her husband Bud. Most impressive part is the wonderful costumes, set design and even the cast members were all on the right mark. The highlight of the film is when a mother hears her daughter taking on a couple guys so she goes to get some for herself. Finally, watch this movie as it is a real treat for all the vintage porn movie lovers.

The Ribald Tales of Canterbury (1985) - Original Poster -
Watch Vintage American Porn Movie The Ribald Tales of Canterbury (1985). Original Poster.

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