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Blue Movie (1995) – Retro American Hit Porn Movie


Watch Retro American Hit Porn Movie Blue Movie (1995).

Watch Retro American Hit Porn Movie Blue Movie (1995). A reporter gets an assignment to find some scoop on a cross-dressing director. He also happens to be her favourite adult film director. She has 24 hours to find out what’s going on in the life and work of cross-dressing Ted Bent. Ted has become secretive and elusive as he works on discovering his female side. Later she goes to the studio where he’s shooting a new film (“The Return of the Golden Oyster”). This determined reporter even talks her way past Ted’s formidable female bodyguard. Ted lets the reporter stay on the set in exchange for her playing a part in the film. By the end of the shoot and in time for her deadline, she’s played her part and she has her story. Finally, what will she do with it?

Blue Movie (1995) - Original Poster -
Watch Retro American Hit Porn Movie Blue Movie (1995). Original Poster.

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