Secret Paris (2000) – A Retro Film by the Legendary Director Andrew Blake


Watch Retro Film, “Secret Paris (2000)” by the Legendary Director Andrew Blake.

Watch Retro Film, “Secret Paris (2000)” by the Legendary Director Andrew Blake. Six beautiful Parisian women are revealing their secrets. This, like most of Andrew Blake, is pure fantasy. It has a potent sense of sexuality about it, but is not meat and potatoes porn. There is one boy/girl segment, but it’s mostly lesbian erotica. Blake’s movies feature the most naturally beautiful women in adult films today. Some engage in pretty hardcore scenarios, but some merely flash the camera. His work consists of some of the only adult films worth watching as films currently being made– though they are pretty plotless. To some, this sense of unrelieved erotic tension will seem dull and pretentious. Finally, Andrew Blake’s vision is pure fantasy, and not meant as a substitute for sex.

Secret Paris (2000) - Original Poster -
Watch Retro Film, “Secret Paris (2000)” by the Legendary Director Andrew Blake. Original Poster.

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