Watch Vintage French Adult Movie Shining Sex (1976).
Watch Vintage French Adult Movie Shining Sex (1976). Cynthia, an exotic dancer in a upscale resort in France, is seduced by a strange couple. Her dance routine has impressed a couple, Alpha and her slave Andros. It turns out that Alpha is from far beyond our pitiful planet and the lovemaking closes with Cynthia being covered with a sparkly lotion. This forces her to do the bidding of Alpha and Andros, which goes from carnal acts to killing those that know too much about them. The movie focuses on Cynthia’s power to kill through physical, vampiric or sexual means. Empowered by this alien substance, Cynthia has become biblical verse writ large. Finally, unlike some cultists, Franco wanted the entire world to worship with him, to partake from what he saw as perfection.