Watch Classic French Adult Movie Mes Nuits Avec aka The Kinky Ladies of Bourbon Street (1976).
Watch Classic French Adult Movie Mes Nuits Avec aka The Kinky Ladies of Bourbon Street (1976). Ladies make a pact to die with pleasure. Dressed in widow’s weeds, Maude visits the graves of three girls and their ghosts command her to play with herself. In a flashback, she visits the three girls in the hospital. They have all been caught behaving promiscuously and attempted suicide. Maude takes them into her house which is decorated with sculpted penises of all sizes. There they are all served by a general butler called Arnold who has a permanent erection. They indulge themselves sexually with each other and with any males who happen to visit and make a pact to commit suicide. All the girls want to end their lives while having maximum pleasure. Finally, watch as Maude fulfills her role of sheltering such promiscuous and suicidal girls.