Watch Vintage French Movie Les Weekends D’un Couple Pervers aka Introductions (1976).
Watch Vintage French Movie Les Weekends D’un Couple Pervers aka Introductions (1976). A mature couple hunts for beautiful girls at the beach. Anne and Mitch are a very sexually active older couple and they love to indulge in kinky shenanigans. The wife Anne is attracted to young beautiful girls at the beach. During the week, at the beach, Anne gets to know nice-looking girls, befriends them, and then seduces them. At the weekend, she introduces them to her husband who seems to fall in love with practically all of them. While Anneis seducing young women, Mitch has sex with the twin sisters, who are into hippy lifestyle. This time Anne spots Beatrice on the beach and decides to draw her into a threesome.